Dada's Detox

Dada's one-month fundraising fast

About Dada

Dada Prashanta

Dada Prashanta has always been fascinated by nature. At the age of 14, he became a vegetarian and started practising yoga, in an effort to achieve a better connection with the world around him. After finishing high school, he received his neo-humanist training at the Ananda Marga centre in the Philippines to become a monk and missionary. He then spent a few months in India to learn more about the neo-humanist philosophy and perfect his knowledge on natural living.

He moved to Thailand in 2008, where he began working with the Neo-Humanist Foundation at Baan Dada Children’s Home, and took an interest in sustainable agriculture. For the past four years, Dada has given many classes across Thailand on yoga, natural remedies and how to have healthy lifestyle.

In the beginning of 2013, Dada took a natural therapy and wellness training course in Cebu, Philippines, which gave him the opportunity to feel the benefits of such treatment on himself. Suffering from hyper-acidity since childhood, he noticed the positive changes made by the detox on both his body and his mind

This gave him the inspiration to create a wellness centre in Baan Dada. With it he hopes to educate the local population on healthy living and improve their quality of life.

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